We present our 2014 Halloween Portrait. This year's portrait was the most difficult one we have tried to date. We have done 7 portraits since 2008. The theme this year was Skeletons. I wanted to go a little less photoshop and a little more photographic style, but I ended with a pretty even amount of both. The makeup took the longest (almost three hours for the three of us). I did all of the makeup myself.
Halloween Portrait 2014
I went with a single light setup. White lightning 1600 in an octobox (Thanks Stan - stankaady.com ) at a 45 degree angle right above the subject with a black backdrop. It highlighted the face and made great shadows on the chin to emphasize the makeup.
Sue in her Skeleton Pirate outfit.
Tyler in his Skeleton Warrior outfit.
I realized it is very difficult to try and shoot while wearing tons of makeup on your face. It's even harder to try and take a "selfie". It was one part of the process, I had not thought of. I was able to take good photos of my wife and son, but I was not quite satisfied with mine. Regardless, it was a great experience. Next time, I will plan better.
That's me as Papa Legba (Haitian Voodoo)
Time to start thinking of next years shoot!