We have now done a Halloween Family Photo for 9 years (Has it been that long?). For our 2017 Halloween portrait we decided on a Brothers Grimm Theme. We went with Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad (Were)Wolves.
Halloween Family Portrait 2017 - Red Riding Hood Theme
We worked out our budget and started planning in the summer. We picked out the Red Riding Hood outfit, which was pretty easy, it was the best looking one. The harder part was working out the werewolf costume. In previous portraits, I used a heavy dose of Photoshop to manipulate our outfits. In the later versions, it was more fun and practical to use costumes and makeup to achieve the final image.
So after a quick internet search, I discovered https://www.nimbacreations.com/ They had some amazing prosthetic products. I watched the video they had for the werewolf prosthetic and wanted to try it out. The rest of the outfit was easy, just a plaid shirt, jeans and boots (the lumberjack look).
Werewolf - Halloween Portrait
Nimba's videos, that are available on theier website, were a huge help to creating the final product. We used crepe hair (wool), spirit gum, grease paint, and a lot of patience to pull off the final look. You can watch the timelapse below.
Here you can check out a lot of other photos I processed from the shoot.
Red Riding Hood - Halloween Portrait 2017
Older Werewolf - Halloween Portraiot 2017
Red Riding Hood - Portrait 2017
This shoot has been one of my favorites over the past 9 years. I'm not quite sure what we will do for our 10 year anniversary. We hope you enjoy them as well!